DOpus (76/96)

From:Kolbjørn Barmen
Date:27 May 2001 at 02:50:13
Subject:[D5] Re: St. Louis?

On Sat, 26 May 2001, Andreas Mixich wrote:

> Oliver Esberger wrote in a Mail about "Re: [D5] Re: St. Louis?":
> > But it does not break anything! Opus5 has exactly the same features
> > under
> > OS3.9 as it has under 3.1. It just does not support the NEW features,
> > but
> > it is still as useful as before.
> All my Dopus-Dock-Images (ILBM, I even reinstalled the old picture.datatype,
> to no avail) are black. Pretty broken, I'd say. And to be honest: I do not
> care who is responsible for this. Amiga Inc. or GPSoft. I am a user and I
> want a usable program. ATM I cannot use those docks I have designed over
> weekends, since they all have custom imagery (made myself) and this imagery
> is only really usefull for a Dopus dock, since the others do not offer 3 or
> more functions per gadget. I also have to convert all my app-icons to the new
> format. Not a big task, and it is okay, but since Dopus5 is such a
> poor-application it makes me said development being halted.

So how about trying to replace the ilbm datatype, or even convert the pics to
png or gif (or maybe dopus didnt support those? dont remember)

-- kolla

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